Have your family name/business/team remembered in the Holy Trinity garden and playground by donating a walking path stone, garden box, bench or other item. Each donation will include an engraving with the family name. If you would like to donate to the playground, please make your check payable to Holy Trinity PTU and mark it “playground” and place it in the collection basket, or click....
Next weekend we welcome Fr. Deo as he begins his ministry with the Avon Catholic community. Parishioners at both parishes will have Mass celebrated by Fr. Deo and Fr. Hawk throughout the course of the week.
On Sunday, June 11, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we will have a Eucharistic Procession at the conclusion of the Noon Mass. We will process through the surrounding neighborhood with a 1.5 mile long procession down Nagel Road to Hawkesbury Court and then back again. There will be rests along the way with water breaks. If the weather is inclement we will remain in church for a prayer hour.